ARA 2024 Awards

Your annual report should provide a clear,
big picture view of where your organisation
is, and where it plans to go.

The Awards Process

The ARA is strongly supported by volunteer professionals from all sectors of the community, and by professional bodies dedicated to increasing the standard of reporting.

Each step in the process is handled by teams of ARA Coordinators and Adjudicators. Each annual report submitted to the ARA Awards is generally reviewed by three members of an expert panel.

Reports entered in the General Award assessed as meeting most of the ARA criteria are subjected to further reviews by the ARA Awards Committee which is comprised of ARA Coordinators and Directors.

Reports entered in the Sustainability Reporting Award and the Special Award categories are subject to strict scrutiny by adjudication panels with specific expertise in appropriate disciplines. These panels recommend awards results to the ARA Awards Committee.

All Awards are subject to final approval of the ARA Board.